

Scrum master

  • Within project management, scrum, sometimes written Scrum or SCRUM, is a framework for developing, delivering, and sustaining products in a complex environment,with an initial emphasis on software development, although it has been used in other fields including research, sales, marketing and advanced technologies.
  • It is designed for teams of ten or fewer members, who break their work into goals that can be completed within time-boxed iterations, called sprints, no longer than one month and most commonly two weeks.
  • The scrum team assess progress in time-boxed daily meetings of 15 minutes or less, called daily scrums ( a form of stand-up meeting).
  • At the end of the sprint, the team holds two further meetings: the sprint review which demonstrates the work done to stakeholders to elicit feedback, and sprint retrospective which enables the team to reflect and improve.

Project manager

  • A project manager is a professional in the field of project management. Project managers have the responsibility of the planning, procurement and execution of a project, in any undertaking that has a defined scope, defined start and a defined finish; regardless of industry.
  • Project managers are first point of contact for any issues or discrepancies arising from within the heads of various departments in an organization before the problem escalates to higher authorities, as project representative.
  • Project management is the responsibility of a project manager.
  • This individual seldom participates directly in the activities that produce the result, but rather strives to maintain the progress, mutual interaction and tasks of various parties in such a way that reduces the risk of overall failure, maximizes benefits, and minimizes costs.

Business Analysis

  • Business analysis is a professional disciplinecof identifying business needs and determining solutions to business problems.
  • Solutions often include a software-systems development component, but may also consist of process improvements, organizational change or strategic planning and policy development.
  • The person who carries out this task is called a business analyst or BA.
  • Business analysts do not work solely on developing software systems.
  • But work across the organisation, solving business problems in consultation with business stakeholders.
  • Whilst most of the work that business analysts do today relate to software development/solutions, this derives from the ongoing massive changes businesses all over the world are experiencing in their attempts to digitise

Product owner

  • The product owner, representing the product's stakeholders and the voice of the customer (or may represent the desires of a committee), is responsible for delivering good business results.
  • Hence, the product owner is accountable for the product backlog and for maximizing the value that the team delivers.
  • The product owner defines the product in terms of customer-centric outcomes (typically - but not limited to - user stories), adds them to the product backlog, and prioritizes them based on importance and dependencies.
  • A scrum team should have only one product owner (although a product owner could support more than one team) and it is strongly advised against combining this role with the role of the scrum master.
  • The product owner should focus on the business side of product development and spend the majority of time liaising with stakeholders and the team.
  • The product owner does not dictate how the team reaches a technical solution, but seeks consensus among team members.